Complete Site Work
Complete Site Work
What is Complete Site Work?
The part of a construction project that is not part of a building or house’s physical structure. This usually includes grading, excavation, construction and installation of septic tanks and filtration systems, driveways and other utilities.We can have the plans back to you as little as a week!
Water Tap
Water Tap is a phrase used to refer to tapping into
the water main for service to a house or building. This is most
often accomplished with Tapping sleeves. This reduces the
water supply down from the size of the water main to one inch,
which is a normal water supply to a meter for a house
Sewer Tap
Sewer Tap is a phrase used to refer to tapping into
the sewer main for service to a house or building. This is most
often accomplished with Tapping sleeves.
Storm Drain
Storm Drain are inlets that defer the rain water to a retention pond. this is very important as the DEP requires all storm water to be deal with before releasing back into the ecosystem.
Retention Pond
Retention ponds are used to manage storm water runoff to prevent flooding and downstream erosion, and improve water quality in an adjacent river, stream, lake or bay.
In Site work Construction clearing is used to describe the
removing of trees, shrubs, and debris prior to beginning
Grubbing in Site work is completed by using a root rake or
blade to remove buried roots and limbs not removed during
Fill Dirt
In Site work Construction Fill dirt is dirt that is brought in or
imported to be used as fill in a foundation or used to back fill
utility ditches or undercut areas
Density Test
In Site work Construction Density test is a test done to check
the level of soil compaction achieved during compaction. This
is done with a density testing instrument. This instrument will
indicate the rate of compaction that has been achieved. From
this reading, it will be known if the moisture content is correct
and if there is a further need for compaction.
Cut & Fill
Site work Cut and Fill is a term that refers to how many yards of dirt will be cut or
excavated or how many yards of fill dirt will be brought in or imported for a particular
Fine Grading
Fine Grading is the phase of construction after the water sewer and storm are in. This is where the site is graded up to a .1 of a foot. after this phase the landscaper will start laying sod and plants.